About Me

This is just a second account for me so that I can utilize google reader to make the most of my cell phone blog reading. I am attempting to diet and get my hiney in shape as umm Crystal is fat! My real blog is www.cmswanson.blogspot.com if you want to visit. :) I post under Swansong normally so if your just following a link back to see who I am it's me from Crystal's Musings.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I am fat!

I am fat!

I know I am fat.

I know that I need to change the fact that I am fat.

I am starting at just over 231 and hopefully I can get down to at least under 180. I know I am (well at least before kids) a size 16 at that weight. I think that at my age and knowing that I have been overweight my entire life that it will be an ok size for my frame. Ideally 155 would be my ultimate goal but I am not going to kill myself to do that. :)
This is just a second account for me so that I can utilize google reader to make the most of my cell phone blog reading. I am attempting to diet and get my hiney in shape as umm Crystal is fat! My real blog is www.cmswanson.blogspot.com if you want to visit. :) I post under Swansong normally so if your just following a link back to see who I am it's me from Crystal's Musings.